| Insoluble Sulfur Capacity Range - 3750 to 5000 TPA |
 | Sulphuric Acid Plants both Conventional and DCDA Capacity Range - 50 to 1500 TPD. Guaranteed So2 Emission less than 100 PPM, Guaranteed Steam Generation up to 1.5 Tons steam/ton of acid |
 | Oleum 24% - 65%, Liquid Sulfur Trioxide Capacity Range - 50 to 750 TPD as Liquid So3 |
 | Sulfamic Acid Capacity Range - 5000 TPA |
 | Chloro Sulfonic Acid Capacity Range - 15000 to 65000 TPA |
 | GRANULATED Single Superphosphate and NPK Capacity Range - 65000 to 300000 TPA |
 | Aluminium Sulfate Batch and Continous Process Capacity Range - 10000 to 35000 TPA |
 | Start Up SO2 Scrubbers for Acid Plants Capacity Range - Any Size |
 | Flourine Scrubbers for SSP Plant Capacity Range - Any Size |
 | Liquid Sulphur Dioxide Capacity Range - 1500 to 25000 TPA |
 | Di-ethyl Sulfate Capacity Range - 1500 to 3000 |
 | Power Generation from byproduct Steam of Acid Plants Capacity Range - 0.75 MW to 15 MW |
 | Benzene Sulfonyl Chloride Capacity Range - 3000 TPA |
 | DIMETHYL SULFATE Capacity Range - 12500 to 25000 TPA |
 | THIONYL CHLORIDE Capacity Range - 50 to 100 TPD |
 | SULFONATED ASPHALT Capacity Range - 5000 TPA |
 | DIMETHYL ANILINE Capacity Range - 2000 TPA |